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The Wiggles: My First Library: Includes 6 Wiggly Books
Eve Isn't Evil
Turning Points in American Church History: How Pivotal Events Shaped a Nation and a Faith
Varieties of Christian Universalism: Exploring Four Views
Hermeneutics: Principles and Processes of Biblical Interpretation
Introducing Theological Method
The Gospel of Mark (Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture)
Studying the Historical Jesus: A Guide to Sources and Methods
How We Got the New Testament: Text, Transmission, Translation
Handbook of New Testament Exegesis
Matthew, Disciple and Scribe
Manual for Preaching
The Fear of the Lord Is Wisdom: A Theological Introduction to Wisdom in Israel
Pauline Theology as a Way of Life: A Vision of Human Flourishing in Christ
Jewish Backgrounds of the New Testament
A New History of Redemption: The Work of Jesus the Messiah through the Millennia
Sacred Tradition in New Testament
Christian Academic Writing: Twelve Practices and Principles for Becoming a Successful Writer
Indigenous Theology and the Western Worldview: A Decolonized Approach to Christian Doctrine
Let the Nations Be Glad!: The Supremacy of God in Missions
Paul, the Spirit, and the People of God
A Concise Guide to the Quran: Answering Thirty Critical Questions
Glorification and the Life of Faith (Soteriology and Doxology)
A Beginner's Guide to New Testament Studies: Understanding Key Debates
Church and Its Vocation
God in the Gallery: A Christian Embrace of Modern Art (Cultural Exegesis)
From Christ to Christianity: How the Jesus Movement Became the Church in Less Than a Century
Turning Points in the Expansion of Christianity: From Pentecost to the Present
Historical Foundations of Worship: Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant Perspectives
Christ-Centered Worship: Letting the Gospel Shape Our Practice
First and Second Thessalonians
Encountering John 2nd ed
The Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church
Historical Survey of the Old Testament
Studying the Synoptic Gospels
Gender as Love: A Theological Account of Human Identity, Embodied Desire, and Our Social Worlds
Abundantly More: The Theological Promise of the Arts in a Reductionist World
Christian Ethics: Contemporary Issues and Options
Handbook on Historical Books
Encountering the Old Testament: A Christian Survey
Concise Guide to Reading the New Testament
Think Better: Unlocking The Power of Reason
Theology from the Psalms: The Story of God's Steadfast Love
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Exploring Its Theological Significance and Ongoing Relevance
Christianity and Religious Diversity: Clarifying Christian Commitments in a Globalizing Age
Ezekiel (Brazos Theological Commentary) Softcover
Father of Lights (Theology for the Life of the World)
It's Still Greek to Me
How Long, O Lord?: Reflections on Suffering and Evil
Gospel in Human Contexts
Imagining the Kingdom
Esther & Daniel (Brazos Theological Commentary)
Work and Worship: Reconnecting Our Labor and Liturgy
Introducing the New Testament
Christianity and Critical Race Theory: A Faithful and Constructive Conversation
Listening to Scripture
Gospel of John
Transforming Conversion
Christian Philosophy: A Systematic and Narrative Introduction
Creation and Christian Ethics: Understanding God’s Designs for Humanity and the World
Introducing Evangelical Theology
Paul and Gender
Teamwork Cross-Culturally
Interpreting Your World: Five Lenses for Engaging Theology and Culture
Youth Ministry in the 21st Century
Why God Makes Sense in a World That Doesn't: The Beauty of Christian Theism
Preaching with Cultural Intelligence
Christ-Centered Sermons: Models of Redemptive Preaching
God's Many-Splendored Image
First and Second Peter
Global Church Planting
An Essential Guide to Interpersonal Communication
Pastor as Public Theologian
Hermeneutics: Principles and Processes of Biblical Interpretation
Leader's Journey
Pastor in a Secular Age
Theology as a Way of Life: On Teaching and Learning the Christian Faith
Called to Reconciliation: How the Church Can Model Justice, Diversity, and Inclusion
Miracles Today: The Supernatural Work of God In the Modern World
Models of Evangelism
Enjoying the Bible: Literary Approaches to Loving the Scriptures
Faith Formation in a Secular Age
Church in an Age of Secular Mysticisms (Ministry in a Secular Age)
Redeeming Vision: A Christian Guide to Looking at and Learning from Art
Origins of New Testament Christology: An Introduction to the Traditions and Titles Applied to Jesus
New Testament Theology
Theology for Psychology and Counseling: An Invitation to Holistic Christian Practice
Missional Theology
Introduction to Theology (Foundations for Spirit-Filled Christianity)